Madrid Huelva

Flights Madrid Huelva There are no direct flights Madrid Huelva with the nearest alternatives being Sevilla or Jerez de la Frontera.

Train Madrid to Huelva There is only one Direct train a day between the two cities departing from Madrid at just after Six in the evening and arriving in Huelva 4 hours later.

What the traveller can do however is take the Train to Sevilla and change there to the regional service to Huelva. Although an overnight stay in Sevilla to sample the Andalucian food is most highly recomended.

The direct train costs just over 70€ in each direction although cheaper fares can be had by booking in advance via Renfe

Madrid Huelva by bus Bus services operating Madrid Huelva are provided by Secorbus SL (a Partner of Socibus SA) six times daily.

The coach journey is over 7 hours and the overnight service can save you one nights accomodation costs!

Bus tickets can be purchased online through the website of their partner Socibus

All coach services Madrid Huelva depart from Estacion del sur de Madrid Station layout

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