Madrid AtoZ-V

Madrid guide Spains Madrid A to Z brings you closer to Madrid with brief explanations of commonly encountered words, prominent landmarks and even the popular gastronomy!

NOTE: the "V" in Spanish is pronounced as if it was a "B" in 99% of cases!

Neighbourhood to in the East of Madrid.

Coupon or ticket.

New residential and intended judicial neighbourhood development close to the airport. Home to the Real Madrid training ground and stadium of Real Madrid Castilla (The B team).

Popular and high quality Spanish red wine served in the majority of restaurants.

Valle de los Caidos
Popular toursit attraction close to El Escorial to the north of Madrid.

CMadrid metro station close to the shopping and fashion district of Calle Serrano and Goya.

Metro station and popular name for the Madrid Plaza de Toros (Bullring).

Popular "home style cooking" budget restaurant chain with restaurants throughout Madrid.

Spanish Low cost airline and subsidiary of Iberia serving Madrid.

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