Spanish Interview

So its time for your first Spanish interview and you are not sure what to expect? The only sure thing being that you will be asked to discuss your CV or Resume in detail!

Do not Panic. Follow the pointers below and everything should go smoothly!

Spanish interview preparation

Before going to your Spanish job interview there are a number of things you can do to increase your chances.

  • Re-read the job description at least five times. From this you can deduce what sort of person the company is looking for. Make sure YOU present yourself as that person. Furthermore think about how you could comply with what they are asking and more! Expand the role a little in your head, think of possible "tactics" to amplify the business?
  • Research the company. What sector are they in. How is that sector performing as a whole and that company specifically? Try to find their corperate website and if possible their in house magazine.
  • Job interview address. Make sure you know how to get there and what you will do if your preferred mode of transport is unavailable?
  • Get a contact number for either the address or better still, the person, you will be having the interview with.
  • Ensure you plan to have a minimum of 15 minutes to spare upon arrival. Security processes for visitors, even expected visitors can be time consuming.
  • Make sure you dress correctly for the occasion

Spanish Job interview format

Spanish interviews almost always take the same format and immediately after the introductions you will be asked describe your CV / Resume. A fewe tips to survive the 1st hurdle but then talking about yourself shouldn´t be too difficult, should it?

  • Do not contradict your CV. Its all about confidence!
  • Be brief in your statements. If they want more detail they will ask.
  • Be proud of what you have done. Confidence again
  • Pause each time they start writing what you have been saying Politeness, never hurt anyone!
  • Do not hesitate in your responses. Start with a stock phrase if you need time to think.
  • Never speak badly of a previous employer
  • Never mention personality differences a reason for leaving a previous post.

So now they know what you have done they will want to know about you. Be prepared for the following questions immediately after:

  • Why do you want this job? Short sharp answer to this one
  • Why do you think you are best for this position? Take your time and explain just how good you are!
  • Give me three good things about your character. Not difficult, team player etc
  • Three bad things. Choose small flaws and always make the point that you have recognised and control them.
  • Describe a conflict you have resolved in the workplace...Prepare a story for this one
  • Salary expectations?Be honest, tell them you want a little more than your present job but simply to make up for the change costs. Remember this new job is more of an opportunity than anything else!

At this point the interview will be over unless they want you to take apptitude or character tests. Be sure to thsnk them for their time and that you would like to hear either way about the results!

Spanish interview re-cap

Spanish interviews are not difficult and do not differ greatly from the rest of the world. They are a little more ceremonial though and as such be sure to make the following impression:

  • Well dressed
  • Well Spoken
  • Polite
  • Formal
  • And for a country that is never on time....Punctual

Do not forget 90% of gaining your Spanish Interview is in preparing your Spanish CV!

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