Spanish Education

Any educational certificates you posses must be certified with their Spanish education equivalent. This process is known as "homologacion". This will give you a certificate from the Spanish ministry of education validating your studies at the level of the Spanish education system equivalent. This allows any prospective employer to immediately understand the validity of your degree, master or doctorate.

As with everything that is subject to the control of a government ministry, the exact process dependsboth the qualification level and the issuing authority. The process can be broadly broken down into three categories:

  • EU member state qualifications
  • Professional studies (Medicene, Law etc)
  • All other degrees

EU issued degrees

With the amplification of the authority that the EU has over daily life it is now not necessary to equalize your degree with the the Spansih education equivalent.

There are however some additional exams relating to language and license authorization before Medicene or Law can be practised in Spain by those holding these certificates from EU member universities. In this case you will have to apply to a Spanish university in order to study and pass (very very short course, measured in singke digit weeks) the offiical licenses.

Professional Studies

If you have a professional degree in Medicene, Law or a related subject it is like having a double edged sword. On one side it will be easier for you to get permission to work in Spain but on the other you will need to have the course and qualification evaluated by the Spanish ministry of education and science as well as completing a short Spanish university course in order to gain the appropriate license to practise.

The exact process will depend on whether the country of your issuing authority is signatory or not one of the mutual Spanish education equivalent recognitioon pacts (see next section for a list of signiatory countries).

Everyone else

Your educational qualification will be recognised in Spain... although depending on your country of certificate issue the process will vary.

For those who have education certificates from one of the following countries you sinply have to apply to the Spanish ministry of education and they will issue the appropriate Spanish education equivalent immediately:

Andorra, Antigua y Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaiján, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Belorussia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Colombia, Croatia, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Slovenia, USA, Estonia, Russia, Fiji, Granada, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Marshall Islands, Israel, Japan, Kazakstan, Lesotho, Liberia, Macao, Mónaco, Macedonia, Malawi, Malta, Mauritious, Cook Islands, México, Namibia, New Zealand, Niue, Panamá, Puerto Rico, Czech Republic, Rumania, San Vicente y Las Granadinas, Samoa, San Marino, Santa Lucía, Seychelles, Switzerland, South Africa, Surinam, Swaziland, Tonga, Trinidad y Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela, Serbia & Montenegro.

To achieve the Spanish education equivalent of your qualification you have simply to apply via the form on this page to the address on this page

Spanish ministry of Education

For all others you must apply to the Spanish embassy or consulate appropriate to your country.

For all questions relating to Spanish education equivalent certification please contact the Spanish ministry of education and science via this link

[Work in Spain] [Madrid guide Spain] [Right to work in Spain]